Milborne Port churches


A candle
A candle (click for larger image)
X A candle A candle

Let us help you to make your loved one’s final service the most fitting and dignified tribute we possibly can, with bespoke music, readings and style. Please ask your funeral director to be in touch with the priest Rev Rona Stuart-Bourne, 01963 845278, or the Parish Office 01963 251268 (Helen Solomon).

We are able to offer a unique service for your loved one at the Crematorium, in one of our Churches, at the graveside, and occasionally in another venue (please just ask). There are so many different ways to hold a funeral or memorial service today, so just talk to us and we will find a way to make your hopes become a reality.

There are a few special services a year where you will be invited to attend to remember your loved one; these should be on ‘All Souls’ Day’ (also known as All Hallows E’en) and the Longest Night when we celebrate Christmas in a low key manner for those who are bereaved.

The priest and clergy team are always willing to come to your home to offer pastoral support when you have been bereaved, however long afterwards. Please get in touch.