Below is a list of future special services and special events. For all church services please see the Calendar and for all events please see Events.
10:30am Harvest Festival, Milborne Port
6:00pm Harvest Festival, Stowell
6:30pm Harvest Supper
Church House, Milborne Port
Friday 11th October 6:30pm for 7pm, at Church House, Milborne Port.
Short Quiz and raffle.
All funds in aid of Christian Aid.
Tickets £7.50 available from Clare Silk [tel 548472 or 548472]
Offers of help gratefully received!
8:30am Harvest Breakfast
Charlton Horethorne village hall
Saturday Oct 12th from 8.30am - 9.30am
This follows on from previous "Big Village Breakfast" events where everyone is welcome to drop into the village hall for breakfast and a chat - anything from toast and tea/coffee to the "full English".
There is no charge for breakfast however, generous donations are requested from those who choose to attend - any surplus over and above the costs of laying on the event will be split 50/50 between the farming charity "Royal Agricultural Benevolent Fund" and the Church of St Peter and St Paul in the village.
Everyone welcome.
6:00pm Harvest Festival, Charlton Horethorne
10:00am Community Thanksgiving, Milborne Port
12:00pm Deadline for Parish Magazine entries
All entries for the November issue of the magazine to the editor please by Saturday 19th October at 12 noon latest.
Editor’s email :
All email contributions will be acknowledged. If you do not receive a reply, or if you are unable to use email, please ring 01963 33495
10:30am Pat Elliot’s ministry service, Milborne Port
A Celebration of the Reader Ministry of Mrs Pat Elliott on 27th October at 10.30 a.m. in St. John’s Church
A service of Hymns, Readings and Memories Shared, followed by coffee, tea and cake in Church House.
If you are unable to attend the service itself, please join us afterwards in Church House at about 11.30 am.
3:00pm All Souls, Milborne Port
6:00pm Milborne Wick Harvest Supper
Milborne Wick Church
Celebrate the Harvest Season
When the church becomes a supper club for the evening with long tables laden with food & wine for all to come together, eat, laugh and celebrate the Harvest season.
Tickets £22 per person + wine (bring your own plates & cutlery).
For tickets and menu details call Cleo 07921615027.
10:30am Remembrance Service, Milborne Port
6:00pm Remembrance Service, Charlton Horethorne
10:00am Community Thanksgiving, Milborne Port
6:30pm Quiz Night
Milborne Port Village Hall
In aid of St John’s Church
Saturday 16th November, 6.30 for 7 p.m. start
Village Hall
Fish and Chip Supper from Something Else Fishy
10:00am Milborne Port PCC Meeting
Church House, Milborne Port