Below is a list of future special services and special events. For all church services please see the Calendar and for all events please see Events.
12:00pm Deadline for Parish Magazine entries
All entries for the March issue of the magazine to the editor please by Saturday 22nd February at 12 noon latest.
Editor’s email :
All email contributions will be acknowledged. If you do not receive a reply, or if you are unable to use email, please ring 01963 33495
Start of MP Applications for New Electoral Roll
A new electoral roll for all parishes in the Benefice is needed this year. The Milborne Port APCM will be held on 26 April 2025 and the process of completing a new electoral roll will begin on 26 February and must be completed before 11 April 2025.
10:00am Lent Course 2025

Church House, Milborne Port
Starting Mon 10 March 2025 in Church House from 10-11am
A Lent group with a difference. We will be using a course called ‘The Rest is Worship’. Many of you will have heard of mindfulness or meditation, but I wonder if you knew that they are two different words for a way of quieting the mind which have ancient roots in Christianity and other religions as well?
Join us once a week for some quiet time. Lent begins on 5th March (Ash Wednesday).
10:30am Milborne Port PCC Meeting
Church House
to approve the accounts for 2024.
9:30am Marmalade Festival

Blackberry Cottage
Saturday 22nd March, 9.30 – 12.00 noon
Blackberry Cottage, 55 London Road, Milborne Port
Please use the garden entrance in East Street car park.
Tea, coffee, toast and marmalade; jars of marmalade to purchase.
Proceeds to church funds
If you would like to contribute please make some marmalade (any type)or send along a loaf of bread or pack of butter before the event.
Completion of Electoral Roll Applications
Applications for the Milborne Port Electoral Roll must be completed by this date.
4:00pm A Special Service for Those with Memory Impairment, Church House, Milborne Port

Memory Lane – A Special Service for Those with Memory Impairment.
Starting Saturday, 19th April at 4pm (and every third Saturday of the month) in Church House, we invite you to join us for "Memory Lane" – a gentle gathering of music, singing, short readings, and prayer for those living with Alzheimer’s, Dementia, or memory challenges, alongside their loved ones. Refreshments will be provided at both.
Rev Rona
2:30pm Annual Parochial Church Meeting
10:30am Milborne Port PCC Meeting
Church House