Milborne Port churches

Milborne Port Magazines

Magazine title
Magazine title
X Magazine title Magazine title

The Magazine has continued to thrive and to provide a service to the community. Contributions continue to flow in from individuals and organisations in the village and beyond. The content, we hope, is varied and useful.

We would love to increase our circulation further, particularly in the newer parts of the village. If you have new neighbours, please do check with them if they would like to have a magazine delivered each month. It is still great value at 45p per copy.

Below is a list of Milborne Port Magazines, the latest being on top.  Click on any magazine to view the magazine in PDF format.

Editor’s email : Linda will acknowledge all email contributions. If you do not receive a reply, or if you are unable to use email, please ring her on 01963 33495.

Milborne Port Magazine September 2024 

View of St John's church and the Clockspire taken from the west
X View of St John's church and the Clockspire taken from the west View of St John's church and the Clockspire taken from the west

with church services plus news,information and events from village organisations.

Milborne Port Magazine August 2024 

Photo of flower border in Gainsborough
X Photo of flower border in Gainsborough Photo of flower border in Gainsborough

with a letter from Rev Rona, church services in August plus news, events and information from village organisations

Milborne Port Magazine July 2024 

picture of young jackdaws up in the church tower
X picture of young jackdaws up in the church tower picture of young jackdaws up in the church tower

with a letter from Rev Rona, church services in July plus news, events and information from village organisations

Milborne Port Magazine June 2024 

Photo of Aurora Borealis from Milborne Port
X Photo of Aurora Borealis from Milborne Port Photo of Aurora Borealis from Milborne Port

with a letter from Rev Rona, church services in June and news, events and information from village organisations.

Milborne Port Magazine May 2024 

Photo of the Chapel Museum
X Photo of the Chapel Museum Photo of the Chapel Museum

including a letter from Rev Rona, Church Services for May, remembering those who died during the 2nd World War plus news, events and information from village organisations.

Milborne Port Magazine April 2024 

Cover photo of Kingsbury Bridge, taken by Julian Lukins
X Cover photo of Kingsbury Bridge, taken by Julian Lukins Cover photo of Kingsbury Bridge, taken by Julian Lukins

with a letter from Rev Rona, church services for April plus news, events and information from village organisations.

Milborne Port Magazine March 2024 

Flooding in Bathwell Lane from the River Gascoigne.
X Flooding in Bathwell Lane from the River Gascoigne. Flooding in Bathwell Lane from the River Gascoigne.

with church services for March plus news, events and information from village organisations.

Milborne Port Magazine February 2024 

View of Ven House
X View of Ven House View of Ven House

including a letter from the rectory, church services for February plus news, events and information from village organisations.

Milborne Port Magazine January 2024 

View of St John's Church
X View of St John's Church View of St John's Church

with a letter from Canon Brian, church services for January 2024 plus news, events and information from village organisations.

Milborne Port Magazine December 2023 

Horses in the snow
X Horses in the snow Horses in the snow

with a letter from Rev Frank, church services for December and news, events and information from the village organisations.

Milborne Port Magazine November 2023 

Cover photograph of the allotments in Milborne Port.
X Cover photograph of the allotments in Milborne Port. Cover photograph of the allotments in Milborne Port.

with a Letter from the Rectory, Church Services in November and new, events and information from organisations in the village.

Milborne Port Magazine October 2023 

A hare reaching up for an apple on a tree in the bowling green
X A hare reaching up for an apple on a tree in the bowling green A hare reaching up for an apple on a tree in the bowling green

including a letter from the rectory, church services plus news,  events and information from organisations in the village.

Milborne Port Magazine September 2023 

Magazine cover picture of St John’s Church
X Magazine cover picture of St John’s Church Magazine cover picture of St John’s Church

with a letter from Rev Rona, church services in September and news and information from village organisations.

Milborne Port Magazine August 2023 

Magazine photo of LMS Jubilee Class Locomotive Bahamas by Gerald Fisher
X Magazine photo of LMS Jubilee Class Locomotive Bahamas by Gerald Fisher Magazine photo of LMS Jubilee Class Locomotive Bahamas by Gerald Fisher

including the Letter from the Rectory, church services in August and news, events and information from village organisations.

Milborne Port Magazine July 2023 

A photo of the view from St John’s church tower by Tony Thorp
X A photo of the view from St John’s church tower by Tony Thorp A photo of the view from St John’s church tower by Tony Thorp

with a letter from the Rectory, church services for July, information on the church fete plus news, events and information from organisations in Milborne Port.